This tag was created by Lynn of Lynn’s Books! I saw Mayri from Bookforager post this on Twitter and knew I wanted to participate! Take a look at her post here. I don't make new year's resolutions and I thought this play on the tradition of setting them was too fun to pass up.
Exercise more: This is a book that is a real chunkster, in fact you will need help to even pick this book up
I dug through my TBR to find a chunky book I've been meaning to read. The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson is just such a book. I've dabbled in reading Sanderson. I've read both Warbreaker and The Rithmatist, but I have yet to commit to one of his series. I have heard so many great things about his writing, maybe it's time I finally take the plunge.
Lose weight: A book that is not a chunkster; a short story or novella. A book you could probably read in one sitting
Sarah Chorn is one of those writers who hooked be from her first book. Now I know I have to read everything she publishes. Her way with words is stunning, painting emotions and stories that linger long after you close each book. When she asked for arc readers on Twitter I immediately volunteered, and will be incorporating this book into #FebruarySheWrote.REPRT THIS A
Eat healthy: A book that is good for you. This is a book that made you feel so happy that you wanted to give it a big hug
The Try Guys are hilarious, and I love how they embrace who they are. When I realized they had written a book I jumped at the chance to read it. I grabbed the audiobook of The Hidden Power of Fucking Up because The Try Guys narrated it. I am so glad I did. It was hilarious, it was heartwarming, it was everything I needed. Listening to them do all they could to try new things, even if things didn't go as planned was enlightening.
Fulfil your ambitions: A book that has a lot going on. Plenty of different threads, points of views and action but everything eventually comes together in a very satisfactory fashion
I'm going with Harrow the Ninth on this one. This book confused the crap out of me with everything going on and the warped memories. Then when the point came where it clicked together I went, holy shit! Tamsyn Muir is one of those authors who is phenomenally talented at misdirection for the readers benefit and it just blew my mind. I can't wait to see what else she throws at readers in the next few books.
Spend more time with the family: A series of books that you love and that has developed more than you ever anticipated
Hands down this is The Hollows. Reading each book is like returning to a family I've followed most of my adult life. When I first read Dead Witch Walking, I had no idea urban fantasy existed. Then a witch, a vampire and a pixie walked into my life and I became a forever fan of the genre and these characters. Their dynamics and found family vibes are too good to pass up.
Tick off an item from your bucket list: Reduce the TBR. Choose a book from Mount TBR that you would like to read this year
So...I have 403 books on my TBR. I am trying really hard to push this closer to 300 this year. Any and all theme reads I'm doing are coming straight from this digital mountain of books. Since I am participating in #FebruarySheWrote my next book I plan on reading is The Waking Forest by Alyssa Wees.
Save money: A book that was an absolute bargain – you would have to be crazy, in fact, not to have bought this book
It's been a while since I've searched through used bookstores. This was such a favorite past time when I was younger. I would go to Cape Cod and scour every used bookstore I could to find copies of the Dragonlance novels. This was back before Amazon and Ebay existed. The only way to find older copies of books was to search used bookstores or library sales. For this one I will pick the Dragonlance Preludes. I was so excited when I finally found these!
Get Organised: A book with a glossary, maps, useful words, lists of people – this book is one helpful book, it wants you to know ALL the things and it’s not afraid to use footnotes and other devices to help you do so
This prompt made me think of Felica Day's Embrace Your Weird. I attended a seminar she held when this book was first released. While I have yet to start it, there is a wealth of creative avenues packed within it's pages. I just don't have the heart to tear up and write in my signed copy. I know, I know, go get another copy! But there's just something inside of me that cringes thinking of writing in a book, even though that is exactly what it was created for!
Start a new hobby: A book that is outside your comfort zone. Perhaps everyone was raving about this book, maybe it was over-hyped, you hesitated to pick it up in fact, but when you did – you loved it
I'm notorious for saying I don't like sci-fi. All Systems Red was everywhere online and seemed to be staring at me every time I walked into a book store. I brushed it off with the same misconception that I wouldn't like it because it was sci-fi. However, after listening to Fiction Fans and Friends Talking Fantasy talk about All Systems Red, I finally decided to try it. I enjoyed it so much, that I read every single book s quickly as I could.
This week I'm tagging the following folks! And if you'd like to join in, go right ahead! I can't wait to see everyone's answers!