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The Burning God Book Review
Despite all the battles Rin has fought, the people of the Southern Provinces still lay besieged. Rescued by the Southern Coalition, Rin has joined their ranks, but they refuse to campaign across the South. Tired of their protests, Rin sets forth a chain of events to free the Southern Provinces. But there is more to winning back a country than chasing out the invaders. Rin and Kitay will find themselves faced with challenges Sinaguard never could have prepared them for. And an angry water God who refuses to back down.
Jumping from one battle to the next, readers will be swept up in not only the physical hurdles but the internal ones in Rin’s mind. She continues to deal with denial and mental strain throughout The Burning God. And her coping mechanisms are less than healthy. Each new confrontation causes her to escalate her behavior. There is only one thing that can happen when the mental strain reaches its peak. And Rin has a long way to fall down.
Throughout the series, Rin has viewed herself as one thing. A weapon. But when she runs out of battles to fight and enemies to burn, she finds herself at a loss. There’s no place for her to work out her anger and anxiety. Instead of burning through her problems and shoving them into the darkest recesses of her mind, they dance at the edges. Causing her to subconsciously be on edge at every moment. And there is only so long she can live in a state of heightened anxiety before everything begins to fall apart.
But one thing that remains constant for Rin is her rivalry with the Water God. Despite her earlier mishaps, Rin is determined to outwit her greatest foe. Dominance over him means she is the most powerful. And it is ingrained in her consciousness that defeating him also means safety. No matter what challenges she faces, Rin’s burning desire to dominate the Water God forces her to push on.
The Burning God is an intense conclusion to the Poppy War Trilogy. It is every bit as good as the previous novels and brings everything full circle. Readers' emotions will be wrecked by the end of this novel.
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