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New Year Book Tag | Book Talk

Writer's picture: Tabitha TomalaTabitha Tomala

Another year has come and gone. Where in the world did it go? It seems like I blinked and suddenly 2022 was here. Now, I know it's popular to make new year resolutions, but I don't participate in that particular past time. Instead I challenge myself to read new books! I figured this book tag would be a great way to jump start the new year and reflect on books we've read and hope to read in the new year.

New Year Book Tag | Book Talk


  • Nominated bloggers can nominate five other bloggers.

  • Use the same questions from the tag.

  • Tag the original creator (Behind the Pages) and the blogger who tagged you



1.) What book(s) are you looking forward to the most this year?

This has to be Dragons of Despair by Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman. The Dragonlance series is nostalgic to me. It gave me my love of fantasy and my first book crush (Raistlin of course). Most of the series is out of print but I'm determined to hunt them all down to read and own them. When I learned a new trilogy was being published I couldn't' contain my excitement. A new Dragonlance!? I preordered it as soon as I could!

2.) What reading goals do you have for this year?

I set a numerical goal each year. This time around I want to read at least 100 books. But I also have a personnel goal to read more books from the indie community. I love trade pub books, but let's face it, the indie community is a heck of a lot more creative. They are willing to take risks and create original stories that break the bounds traditional publishing sets.

3.) What were some of the best books you read last year?

There were so many books I loved last year. I'll limit myself to three so I prevent myself from writing an entire book. :)

Of Honey and Wildfires by Sarah Chorn:

I have never encountered a writer who can capture emotions so brilliantly in words. Through her lyrical writing style, Sarah Chorn digs deep into her characters and world, bringing it to life in a vibrant display.

All Systems Read by Martha Wells:

If you had told me one of my favorite books of 2021 would be a sci-fi novel I would have laughed. For years it has been so difficult for me to enjoy sci-fi but All Systems Red broke through. A snarky robot who has hacked its own system was a hilarious read.

Amy of the Necromancers by Jimena I. Novaro:

Amy was such an interesting character to follow. She can bring back the dead, but she questions her abilities and what they can do. She disassociates in order to cope and it was chilling to read.

4.) What book do you wish you could experience again for the first time?

From this past year I would have to say American Demon by Kim Harrison. The Hollows series was one I cried over when the final book was announced. You can imagine my surprise and glee when years later the publisher green lighted Kim Harrison to continue The Hollows series. When I read American Demon, it was like coming to good friends that I had missed.

5.) Were there any books that surprised you last year?

I would say out of all the books I read last year two surprised me. The first was Truth & Other Lies by Lyra Wolf. While I knew it would be a story about Loki, Lyra Wolf's portrayal of him was phenomenal. The complexity of his character and the choices he made were so intense!

The second would be An Altar on the Village Green by Nathan Hall. Talk about a brutal dark fantasy book. Not only is An Altar on the Village Green a brilliant dive into the genre, the notes of horror woven within the story give it an overall darker tone that accents the narrative.

6.) What's a book you wanted to read last year but never got around to?

There are so many, but if I were to pick just one I would say it is Conspiracy of Ravens by J.C. McKenzie. The synopsis makes it seem like it is full of sarcastic humor which is my favorite. I also haven't read too many books about the fae recently and I'd love to discover more.

7.) What book did you read last year you would recommend to others?

I have recommended quite a few already when I saw the 12 books for the new year posts over on Twitter ^_^ Here are the ones I recommended!

8.) What new releases do you have your eyes on this year?

I think it would be cheating if I picked Dragons of Despair a second time, so let's go with Trouble With the Cursed by Kim Harrison. After what happened in the last book, I can't wait to see the new path Rachel's character arc is going.

9.) What book from your TBR are you determined to read this year?

I'd love to knock out some of the older books on my TBR, starting with Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. This poor book has been sitting and waiting since 2011 when I first found it. It sounds like a dark intense read revolving around a main character who hunts down ghosts to eradicate them.

10.) What books are you giving a second chance?

This year I'm going to give The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater a second chance, all thanks to my local book club. I tried to read it in 2014 and from my old review on Goodreads it looks like it was a DNF for me. Also, the review I wrote is so bad I can't wait to reread it just to write a better one.

My Five Tags Are:

Even if you haven’t been tagged in this New Year Book Tag, feel free to give it a go and post a link to your answers below!


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