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Demons of Good and Evil Book Review
An old foe has come back to steal the focus from David. But this time they don’t just have a pack of wolves. A magic user named The Mage has set their eyes on taking down not only David but Rachel and her companions as well. By framing Rachel for murder, and tearing her power structure away bit by bit, The Mage has lofty ambitions. Rachel will be faced with making a deal she may soon regret.
Kim Harrison has quite a creative way of bringing back characters in this series. Reading Demons of Good and Evil combines nostalgia and eager anticipation of what new threats are heading Rachel’s way, especially when the danger is amplified this time by the additions to her family and friends since she last faced off against her past foes.
Amidst all the magic slinging action, there is also a thread of humor within the writing as Rachel faces off against a rampant mouse in her home. One that wants to cause her small moments of misery in retaliation for past transgressions. The fact Rachel has to bargain and make deals with the furry invader makes for hilarious confrontations and a healthy round of Jenks’ insults.
Readers will also have a chance to discover long buried childhood memories of Rachel and Trent. Allowing a larger picture of how they interacted in the past and how certain actions may have precluded their current future. No matter how far Rachel has come, there is always so much more to discover about her. Kim Harrison tantalizes readers each time wondering what new information will be revealed in coming novels.
Demons of Good and Evil is a thrilling addition to The Hollows. Fans of urban fantasy have to read this series. Just make sure you start at the beginning. While there are callbacks to earlier parts of the series, you’ll need the full history to know what is going on. Rachel is such a confident and compassionate main character. The best part is that she isn’t perfect and her mistakes make for entertaining situations.
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