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Demon Magic and a Martini Book Review
Somehow Tori’s been roped into planning a Halloween party at the bar when all she wanted to do was buy a pumpkin. One pumpkin. But when the boys catch wind of her plan, they decide to go all out. There’s just one problem. A demon has been set loose in the city, and the cupcake order needs to be picked up.
Demon Magic and a Martini takes action to a whole new level while still maintaining lighthearted humor to break the tension. Demonica has been hinted at in past novels, but Annette Marie unleashes its full destructive potential in this novel. And with Tori skipping out on her defensive training, it puts her in a bad spot now that she’s taking on guild missions. She’ll learn the hard way that she needs to refocus her energy. After all, the boys are trusting her to be their backup. If she fails them, not only will she lose her own life, but the lives of her best friends as well.
The comradery and synergy between the characters are a delight to read. No matter how tough a situation is, the boys and Tori stand side by side to face it. And while Tori learns hard facts about her best friends, she’ll become a better person as a result of it. There is only so long you can be blissfully ignorant. Being a true friend means learning about past mistakes and recognizing people can and have changed for the better.
Each book in this series is better than the last. Annette Marie continues to world-build and this time it is by diving into the darker sides of magical history. Tori continues to learn more about herself and develop as a person. I can’t wait to see what she encounters next and how the team handles it.
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